envision • design • create

Our Story

Who is mediatechnologies? What are we all about? What makes us unique? Where the heck is Shelby? How can we help you?

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An approach to every space...



Our anyspace Collection is a broad and diverse "palette" of furniture pieces you can use to create your "any" spaces. Think commons. Think Cafeteria, Think Café. Think Classroom. Think Makerspace. Think anyspace.



mediaspace is the culmination of years of library space experience and expertise. We offer you this unique approach to help create a space that will be beautiful, functional, flexible, adaptable and relevant for decades to come.



workspace is a collection of multifaceted freestanding, mobile and perimeter storage and work surface solutions. Through optimization, flexibility, adaptability and durability, they make your space work for you.

What's Cooking?

The Tuesday Morning Hangover Newsletter

Be in the Know, weekly!

The weekly Tuesday Morning HangOver message is packed with cool images, useful information and rapier-like wit to provide a brief, informative and entertaining start to your Tuesday mornings. It's kind of like coffee only it doesn't stain your teeth or make your breath smell bad. Get on the list!

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mediatechnologies news and updates

What's New

Here is where we will keep you informed about stuff that we would really like you to know about. New people. New products. Cool installations. If anyone actually opens a Coney place in Shelby. You know. Important stuff like that. Check this section out each time you visit us.

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